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Ask the P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L. Parent Coach

Parenting foster and adopted children can at times be very challenging, particularly for parents who come from a mindset of traditional parenting.  This space is meant to be a safe place to ask for guidance; you can share your frustrations, your anger, your hurt, even your thoughts of just giving up.  It is your choice whether to sign your name or not.  I will check this column on a regular basis and reply promptly. I’ve used the acronym P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L. P is for patience with your child and yourself E is for empathy (the intent to understand the feelings of your child A is for acceptance (unconditional and without judgement) C is for compassion (our emotional response to our child) E is for encouragement (being a cheerleader for our child) F is for forgiveness of ourselves, we we undertake this challenging journey) U is for understanding of both ourselves and our child; not attributing motive to the child’s behaviors or our own…both are related to underlying stress), and L one’s parenting isn’t “ful” until we add love.

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