After hearing a panel discussion on the current practices and views in our county (Lake) in Indiana, regarding placement of children out of the home,…
I have decided that to understand trauma and toxic stress, i.e. the effects of trauma and how it settles in the body and the brain,…
And what if we viewed challenging behaviors as an SOS, and not an attack on us as parents? Might the outcome be any different? Challenging…
“I didn’t pack your bag.” I was looking at my son and these words echoed in my head. Yesterday he struggled. Yesterday I struggled. He…
After a week of connecting with folks in several different “venues”, including “presenting” to three different audiences, I had a couple of ideas to share.…
Reading to prepare for a presentation next week to a leadership group, I came across this information. No, I didn’t accidentally come across it, the…
There are many, underline many, articles and books written on attachment. Many pre-adoptive and adoptive parents and yes, even foster parents (but that’s a whole…
And what does Amanda Gorman’s poem have to do with trauma-informed/trauma responsive care? Thinking about behaviors that point to someone who is not okay…perhaps, just…
There is a lot of hand-wringing, many headlines, and public exhortations by educators, about how far behind kids are today in their basic skills, and…
This is the time of year when holiday decorations go up on the house and in the house, baking and freezing commence, the “to do…