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ADVICE: Ask the P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L. Parent Coach

Parenting foster and adopted children can at times be very challenging, particularly for parents who come from a mindset of traditional parenting.  This space is meant to be a safe place to ask for guidance; you can share your frustrations, your anger, your hurt, even your thoughts of just giving up.  To engage with the Coach,  write your questions, concerns, emotions to

I’ve used the acronym P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L.

P is for patience with your child and yourself

E is for empathy (the intent to understand the feelings of your child

A is for acceptance (unconditional and without judgement)

C is for compassion (our emotional response to our child)

E is for encouragement (being a cheerleader for our child)

F is for forgiveness of ourselves, we we undertake this challenging journey)

U is for understanding of both ourselves and our child; not attributing motive to the child’s behaviors or our own…both are related to underlying stress), and

L one’s parenting isn’t “ful” until we add love.